The theme of the New bakery story goals are Arabian themed! These goals are really vibrant and colourful!
The Savory Sultan
Buy 8 Arabian wallpaper
Buy 16 Magic carpet tiles
Rewards- 2,610 coins XP - 70
Unlocks - Palace counter
A taste of home
Have 1 Sultan fountain
Serve 10 orange sherbet
Rewards - 2,650 coins XP - 70
Unlocks - Lime sherbet
Dignified Decor
Buy 3 Palace counters
Buy 2 Arabian moons
Ask neighbours for 5 gold dust
Rewards - 2,700 coins XP - 75
Unlocks - Palace pilows
Sovereign seating
Serve 12 Lime sherbet
Buy 4 Place pillows
Have 4 arabian nights tables
Rewards - 2,750 coins
XP - 75
Unlocks - Strawberry sherbet
5. A sure bet for deliciousness
Serve 15 Strawberry sherbet
Have 2 magic Lamps
Rewards - 2,910 coins
XP - 80
Unlocks - Palace store
Palace pastries
Have 2 Palace stoves - ( Parts needed are: 5 pink fuses, 5 metal sheets, 5 paints and 5 gas tanks)
Prerpare 25 kunafeh Pastries
Serve 25 Kunafeh Pastries
Rewards - 2,870 coins
XP - 80
Unlocks - Ma 'amoul cookies
Ma'amoul for mon ami
Prepare 30 Ma'amoul cookies
Serve 30 Ma'amoul cookies
Rewards - 3,280 coins
XP - 90
Unlocks - Sultan's dinner
8 .A Royal invitation
Visit 10 community neighbours
Leave 10 tips
Buy 1 Sultans dinner
Rewards - 3,450 coins
XP - 95
9. Dancing the night away
Prepare 35 Lumet Il Adi Puffs
Serve 35 Lumet Il Adi Puffs
Rewards - 3,680 coins
XP - 100